All Auditions Held On







Only high school students may apply to audition for positions in the Pasadena City College Tournament of Roses Honor Band, Pageantry, and Herald Trumpets. High school applicants must be participants, in good standing, in their high school band/music program and must continue to be in good standing throughout the fall semester if accepted into the Honor Band Program. College-age applicants must be currently enrolled members, in good standing, of the Pasadena City College Lancer Marching Band (MUSC 061) to participate in the Honor Band Program.

Each high school student wishing to audition must submit both of the following:

  1. The online Audition Application found below with all information completed

  2. The printed signature form with signatures from the applicant as well as the applicant’s high school band director and parent or legal guardian

Signature Forms must be mailed by a postmark deadline of Monday, September 30, 2024. Applicants will be able to find their audition times on this site only after the signature form is received.

Special Note to Los Angeles Unified School District Music Students: 
We do not accept audition applications from LAUSD brass, percussion, or color guard students. Those students are eligible for and encouraged to participate in the LAUSD All-City Marching Band. 
We do accept applications from LAUSD woodwind students.


The only excused absences are those due to illness, genuine documentable family emergencies (vacations are not emergencies), or a performance conflict with your school music/guard group - Limit 2 for winds/1 for percussion & pageantry (NOT extracurricular ensembles or school rehearsals such as winter guard or winter drum line). In addition, rehearsals missed due to Youth Symphonies, Winter Guards, Winter Drum Line, or Drum and Bugle Corps (rehearsals, auditions, camps, or performances) may NOT be excused. Work conflicts are not excusable reasons to miss class; similarly, traffic is not an excused reason for being tardy.  Three tardies are equal to one absence. One unexcused absence, three excused absences or three unexcused tardies may result in a student being dropped from the honor band class.

Please note: We are NOT able to excuse students for high school performances on the following rehearsal & performance dates:

  • Saturday, December 14

  • Sunday, December 15

  • Friday, December 20*

  • Saturday, December 21

  • Sunday, December 22

  • Thursday, December 26 through Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Please DO NOT Audition if you know of schedule conflicts during these specified dates. 

*We understand some high schools are still in session on Friday, December 20. This should not prevent students from auditioning. We may ask students to inquire if finals can be taken early or to leave school to join us at PCC immediately after completing exam(s).

Special Attendance Note for Percussion and Pageantry: Percussion and Pageantry students will be allowed to miss only one scheduled rehearsal due to a school band/guard performance conflict. A majority of the work is taught during rehearsals. Missing more than one rehearsal adversely impacts the entire group. Students with multiple schedule conflicts should not audition.

COST FOR winds and percussion MEMBERS (ONLY IF SELECTED)

THERE IS NO COST TO AUDITION — Please Do Not send any checks or payments with audition application.

There are no registration costs for high school students who are legal California residents*. There are nominal costs for uniform accessories [items such as gloves ($5), white marching shoes ($60-$70), plain white socks, underwear, and t-shirts, wool berets ($15) for Herald Trumpets and Tubas, and wide (“double”) white wristbands ($15) for Percussionists]. There are some optional expenses for things such as photographs, shirts, pins, and other souvenirs. Also, consider the transportation costs of commuting to and parking at Pasadena City College ($2/day) about 17 times.

*Non-California Resident Fee: students who are in the United States on visas or whose parents do not have California residence status are eligible to participate but may be required to pay non-California resident tuition which is approximately $900. Please refer to the PCC website for more information.


THERE IS NO COST TO AUDITION — Please Do Not send any checks or payments with audition application.

There are no registration costs for high school students who are legal California residents*. There are nominal costs for uniform accessories [items such as skin-toned underwear, body stockings, dance shoes ($60-$70), hair accessories, etc. — totalling approximately $100]. There are some optional expenses for photographs, shirts, pins, and other souvenirs. Also, consider the transportation costs of commuting to and parking at Pasadena City College ($2/day) about 17 times.

*Non-California Resident Fee: students who are in the United States on visas or whose parents do not have California residence status are eligible to participate but may be required to pay non-California resident tuition which is approximately $900. Please refer to the PCC website for more information.


  • No visible tattoos (while in uniform/costume).

  • No sunglasses or transition lens glasses worn in uniform performance or specified rehearsals. Students must have clear lenses that do not transition to sunglasses in daylight. Frames must be either clear, metal, plain black or dark brown without any “bling” or large visible logos.

  • No Jewelry while in uniform - no earrings, watches, bracelets, piercings (all visible studs and earrings must be removed while in uniform). Pageantry may be assigned earrings to wear as part of their costume.

  • Facial Hair must be trimmed and neatly groomed. No razor stubble, three-day-old growth, bushy beards or Santa beards. No facial hair permitted on neck.

  • No colored nail polish - only clear coat nail polish permitted.

  • Natural Hair Colors Only. Pink, green, red, blue, etc.. hair colors are not permitted. Covering hair with a shako or cap will not suffice. (Students are not permitted to wear bandannas of any type in uniform.)

  • Hair must not touch the uniform collar. Long hair must be put up in while in performance uniform.

  • Please know the use of bandages or tape to cover tattoos, earrings, glass frames markings, etc. will not be permitted.

Students unwilling or unable to comply with these requirements should not apply.


The Honor Band is comprised of current PCC Lancer Marching Band members and auditioned high school band/guard students. No other students are permitted to participate. Current PCC Band members are guaranteed a position in the honor band. The number of high school students selected per section are dependent on the number of current PCC Band members in each section. PCC percussion and pageantry members are guaranteed a position but not guaranteed a particular instrument/equipment. They are required to audition as well.


There are different audition instructions for winds, percussion, and pageantry; see below.

Woodwinds and Brass

(please download winds audition info sheet)

Applicants may only audition for one instrument. Applicants must provide own instrument for audition.
All selected brass players will perform on PCC provided instruments - NO EXCEPTIONS!

The following is a list of our Honor Band wind instrumentation:

  • Piccolo (bring & prepare flute also to audition)

  • Flute

  • Bb Clarinet (please note: NO Eb, A, Alto, or Bass Clarinets)

  • Alto Sax

  • Tenor Sax

  • Baritone Sax

  • Trumpet*

  • F Horn/Mellophone* (students must audition on either a marching French horn or F mellophone - preferred) — no concert horns. All selected horn players will be performing on F mellophones.

  • Trombone*

  • Marching Baritone/Euphonium* (students may audition on concert baritone/euphonium if marching instrument unavailable; ability to read bass clef is required.)

  • Sousaphone* (students may audition on concert tuba)

*If selected, players will perform on brass/lacquer marching trumpets/mellophone/trombones/baritone/euphonium/sousaphone only - college will provide all brass instruments for performances.

Applications will be accepted only for the instruments listed above. We do not use oboes, bassoons, bass clarinets, etc. 

Auditions will Include the following FOUR components:

  1. CHROMATIC SCALE — play as eighth notes at m.m. quarter note = 76 or faster (starting from your lowest note and ascending up to the highest note you can comfortably play and then descending back down to your starting pitch).

  2. AUDITION EXCERPT of “The National Game” (Sousa March) from memory while marking time (marching in place) at performance tempo (120 b.p.m.). Wear suitable shoes that allow you to mark time comfortably (we use a low knee-lift). “The National Game” audition excerpts are available in the Tournament of Roses Honor Band document section.

  3. PREPARED SOLO PIECE designed for your instrument (a solo work or etude), not your individual part to a band piece, march, or orchestral composition. You do not need to provide a piano accompanist for this audition (and pianos are not available for use).

  4. SIGHT-READING applicants will be asked to sight read a short excerpt during the audition.

All auditions will be held on Sunday, October 13. Audition Check-In will be at the east end of the Center for the Arts “CA” Building (see campus map). Please park in parking lot 5 (the parking structure) entered from Bonnie Ave. (Bring $2 to pay for parking on campus. Permits purchased at kiosks in structure.)

Please check-in at least 45 minutes prior to your audition time. Bring your own instrument and prepared audition piece. Wear shoes that will permit you to mark time comfortably.

The official honor band roster of selected students will be posted on this site by the evening of Monday, October 14. All selected members will receive an acceptance packet in the US Mail within the following week after auditions.

All applicants should be aware that because this is an “HONOR” organization, we expect full participation from all members in the very limited rehearsal time available to us. Please review the
 Attendance Policy and Cost (found above) carefully before applying.

Herald Trumpets

(please download winds audition info sheet or percussion audition info sheet)

The Herald Trumpets are comprised of a group of nine trumpeters (playing fanfare trumpets) and one snare drummer. This group precedes the queen’s float, heralding the arrival of the Rose Queen and her Rose Court. The Herald Trumpet members will be selected from those who audition on trumpet for the band; potential herald trumpeters must exhibit particular strength in both solo and ensemble playing. For audition information, please see the audition instructions for Woodwinds and Brass.

The snare drummer for the Herald Trumpets is selected from those who audition for percussion for the band, and must exhibit particular strength in solo snare playing. For audition information, please see the audition instructions for Percussion.

All applicants should be aware that because this is an “HONOR” organization, we expect full participation from all members in the very limited rehearsal time available to us. Please review the Attendance Policy and Cost (found above) carefully before applying.


(please download percussion audition info sheet)

Applicants may only audition for one instrument.
The following is a list of our Honor Band percussion instrumentation:

  • Snare Drum

  • Multi-Tenors (quints)

  • Bass Drum (five drum positions)

  • Cymbals

  • Mallet Keyboard (marching bells & xylo)

The percussion auditions for the Drum Line and for the Herald Trumpets' solo snare drummer will be held on Sunday, October 13, starting at 10:00 a.m. and concluding by 5:00 p.m. Applicants will be given a meal break; bring a sack lunch or $$ for nearby fast-food restaurants.

Auditions will Include:

  • Performance of an assigned 20-measure excerpt from “Everything’s Coming Up Roses” from memory while marking time at march tempo (m.m. 120–126). Wear suitable shoes that allow you to mark time comfortably (we use a low knee-lift). “Roses” excerpts are available in the Tournament of Roses Honor Band document section.

  • During the auditions, everyone will play together in an ensemble situation. Students will be evaluated on technique, sight-reading, and knowledge of drum rudiments (scales for mallet players).

  • Cuts will be made during the audition session; final selections will be made by 5:00 p.m. (or sooner), including the selection of the Herald Trumpet snare drummer. Selected students will continue to rehearse after final cuts are made, but will be dismissed no later than 5:00 p.m. 

Applicants may audition on only one instrument.  Be prepared to state on which instrument you wish to audition (snare, tenors, bass, cymbals, or marching bells/xylophone) when you apply on-line, and bring your own sticks or mallets with you. Instruments will be provided. Students may be given the option of switching selected instrument the day of auditions during the audition orientation.

Please check in no later than 9:30 a.m. at our Jameson Amphitheater, which is just east of the “V” Building (see campus map). Please park in parking lot 5 (the parking structure) entered from Bonnie Ave. (Bring $2 to pay for parking on campus. Permits purchased at kiosks in structure). The auditions will take place in our Robinson Stadium (see map)Please note: You must check in at Jameson Amphitheater just east of the “V” Building before auditions.

All applicants should be aware that because this is an “HONOR” organization, we expect full participation from all members in the very limited rehearsal time available to us. Please review the Attendance Policy and Cost (found above) carefully before applying.

Pageantry Unit

(please download pageantry audition info sheet)

The Pageantry Unit for the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Honor Band is composed of tall flags and banner carriers.

Pageantry Tryouts will be held on Sunday, October 13, starting at 9:00 a.m. and concluding by 5:00 p.m. Applicants will be given a meal break; bring a sack lunch or $$ for nearby fast-food restaurants. Various combinations and choreography will be taught and rehearsed en masse. Several cuts will be made during the tryout session. Final selections will be based on movement ability (including the ability to march in tempo), style, technique, and overall performance. Results will be announced at the end of the session. Selected students will continue to rehearse after final cuts are made, but will be dismissed no later than 5:00 p.m.

 Please check in no later than 8:30 a.m. at our Jameson Amphitheater, which is just east of the “V” Building (see campus map). Please park in parking lot 5 (the parking structure) entered from Bonnie Ave. (Bring $2 to pay for parking on campus. Permits purchased at kiosks in structure). The auditions will take place in our Gym (GM-220) located in the "W" Building (see map). Please note: You must check in at Jameson Amphitheater just east of the “V” Building before auditions.

Wear proper dance wear and shoes; school uniforms or costumes are not necessary. All applicants need to bring their own pole and flag (a 6-foot pole required). Contact Mr. Luck if a 6ft. pole is needed the day of auditions.

All applicants should be aware that because this is an “HONOR” organization, we expect full participation from all members in the very limited rehearsal time available to us. Please review the Attendance Policy and Cost (found above) carefully before applying:

Auditions will be held only on Sunday, October 13, 2024
No Make-Up Auditions are Given Under Any Circumstances




Mail completed SIGNATURE FORM to:

Pasadena City College
Tournament of Roses Honor Band — CA119
1570 E. Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91106-2003

Please note that you MUST print out THE FILLABLE PDF SIGNATURE FORM (AVAILABLE AUG. 1), obtain all required signatures, and mail it via first-class united states postal service postmarked by Monday, September 30, 2024, in order for your application to be considered.    

Incomplete, late and/or emailed applications MAY not be ACCEPTED. 


Problems with Application? Contact Immediately:
Mr. Kyle Luck, Band Director
PCCBand@pasadena.edu or (626) 585-7024 (email preferred)
Leave your full name and contact number (with area code) on voicemail.

Make absolute sure you type in your correct and valid personal email address (no school district provided emails please).
Applicants must agree to the following statement before applying to the Tournament of Roses Honor Band program.

By proceeding with the application, the applicant acknowledges they have read thoroughly, with a parent/guardian, ALL preceding information including our Audition Info/Requirements, Attendance Policies, Personal Grooming Standards, and Resident/Non-Resident Status Information. Applicant has downloaded/printed the audition information sheet and rehearsal/performance schedule to make sure they can fully commit to the Honor Band, if accepted. Any applicant who is selected and discovered to not adhere to these policies may be dismissed from the honor band.